
欢迎来到我们的旅游网站,我们在这里写下感兴趣的旅游新闻,并对我们在旅行中访问过的酒店和餐馆进行评论。 过去我们住过很多旅馆,其中有不少旅馆已经改名换姓,更有一些已经不复存在。 我们将寻求报道更多有关街头艺术的内容,因为这是我们在世界各地旅行时最喜欢的项目之一。


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David Iwanow

I have been travelling around the world since I was young and travel is in my blood. I've travelled to almost 40 countries around the world and can now be found based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I've visited over 8,100 places with 16,236 checkins on Foursquare/Swarm and I'm a level 10 Google Local Guide with 911 reviews and having posted 18,571 photos which have been viewed 195 million times.