Shoreditch, located in East London, is renowned for its vibrant street art scene. This area has become a hub for both emerging and established artists, transforming its streets into an open-air gallery that attracts visitors from around the world.

Here are some key aspects of the Shoreditch street art scene:

History and Evolution

Shoreditch’s reputation as a street art hotspot began in the late 1990s and early 2000s, coinciding with the area’s broader cultural and economic revival. The influx of creative professionals and artists helped to establish Shoreditch as a center for contemporary art and alternative culture.

Notable Artists

  1. Banksy: One of the most famous street artists globally, Banksy’s work could occasionally be found in Shoreditch, adding to the area’s allure. You can still find his protected work ‘Designated Graffiti Area’ on Rivington Street.
  2. Stik: Known for his simplistic yet expressive stick figures, Stik’s murals are prominent throughout Shoreditch such as Holding Hands on Shoreditch High Street.
  3. ROA: This Belgian artist is famous for his large-scale black-and-white animal murals on the side of a building on Hanbury Street.
  4. Ben Eine: Recognized for his colorful alphabet lettering, Eine’s work is a staple in Shoreditch’s street art scene and in SOHO.
  5. Thierry Noir: Famous Berlin street artist has several pieces around Shoreditch.
  6. Otto Schade: Chilean architect based in London known for his beautiful work with ribbons to create surreal & vibrant images you can find some of his recent pieces around Plough Yard.
  7. David Speed – Well known for his neon paintings using bold and beautiful fluro colours with black backgrounds, you can’t miss his work around Shoreditch.
  8. Fanakapan: A master of anamorphic designs you can’t miss their distinct style
  9. Fat Cap Sprays: Beautiful neon outlines of classic cartoon characters cheer you up
  10. Dan Kitchener: You can’t go wrong finding a DANK piece along Brick Lane, his epic murals paint beautiful nightscapes often based around Tokyo, London or NYC.

Popular Spots

  1. Brick Lane: This is perhaps the most famous street art location in Shoreditch, featuring a constantly changing array of murals and graffiti.
  2. Redchurch Street: Another hotspot for street art, known for its high-quality and frequently updated pieces.
  3. Allen Gardens: The park has a number of walls that have a frequently changing collection of works
  4. The Old Truman Brewery: This historic site hosts many art events and is surrounded by impressive street art in the streets nearby focused along Hanbury Street.

Street Art Tours

Several companies offer guided tours of Shoreditch’s street art, providing insights into the artists, the history of the works, and the techniques used. These tours are popular among tourists and art enthusiasts alike.

Impact on Community

Street art in Shoreditch is not just a visual treat; it plays a significant role in the community. It fosters a sense of identity and pride among local residents and helps in the economic development of the area by attracting tourists and businesses.

Legal and Illegal Art

While much of the street art in Shoreditch is created with permission, the area also sees a fair amount of unsanctioned work. This dynamic interplay between legal and illegal art contributes to the area’s edgy and ever-changing aesthetic.

Festivals and Events

Shoreditch hosts several street art festivals and events throughout the year, such as the Shoreditch Street Art Festival, which features live painting sessions, workshops, and exhibitions.


The street art scene in Shoreditch faces challenges, including gentrification and the ongoing debate about the commercialization of street art. Additionally, the ephemeral nature of street art means that pieces can be painted over or removed, leading to a continuous evolution of the scene.


Shoreditch’s street art scene is a testament to the area’s creativity and cultural vibrancy. It provides a platform for artists to express themselves and offers the public an accessible form of contemporary art. Whether you’re a seasoned art lover or a curious visitor, Shoreditch’s streets offer a unique and dynamic artistic experience.

David Iwanow

I have been travelling around the world since I was young and travel is in my blood. I've travelled to almost 40 countries around the world and can now be found based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I've visited over 8,100 places with 16,236 checkins on Foursquare/Swarm and I'm a level 10 Google Local Guide with 911 reviews and having posted 18,571 photos which have been viewed 195 million times.